158 ordspråk av Sung Won Sohn

Sung Won Sohn

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 More and more jobs, both manufacturing and service jobs are sent overseas; these jobs won't come back any time soon.

 My concern is that inventories are so low, some businesses will actually miss sales through stock-outs.

 Once the employment picture stabilizes, around midyear, we should see a more rapid and sustained recovery in consumer confidence.

 Once the Fed starts raising rates, I suspect they might go up more rapidly than a lot of people realize. Many of us think the Fed will do things slowly and gradually. In fact, they usually do things pretty quickly.

 One of the biggest economic uncertainties is whether the ongoing layoffs will mushroom and spread,

 Our research shows the jobless rate is the best indicator of monetary policy, ... They have almost perfect correlation.

 Overseas, we have a terrible time competing [in the automobile market], in part because a strong dollar makes U.S. cars more expensive. Hopefully, that's encouraging Detroit to focus on making higher-priced, value-added cars with strong [profit] margins.

 Probably the overall (CPI) number will be somewhat higher than anticipated, but like PPI, the core-number should be close to forecasts,

 Probably the overall (CPI) number will be somewhat higher than anticipated, but like PPI, the core-number should be close to forecasts.

 Probably the overall (CPI) number will be somewhat higher than anticipated, but like PPI, the core-number should be close to forecasts.

 Revisions have been substantial in the past.

 Right now I've taken (a stimulus package) out of my economic outlook, but there is still a chance that it will pass.

 Since the economy is awash with liquidity and interest rates are already at a [40]-year low, the cut in the interest rate will work primarily through the psychological channel,

 That's one of the reasons why consumers are not going on a spending spree, though they're keeping the economic ship afloat. When higher unemployment numbers come out, that will probably rattle consumer confidence a bit.

 That's why confidence is important. If it remains healthy, gains in sales will be high enough to offset the negatives coming from job cuts. It's a tug-of-war; right now, job cuts are winning.

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