158 ordspråk av Sung Won Sohn

Sung Won Sohn

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 For every 10-percent appreciation in the dollar, it cuts inflation by one full percentage point, assuming the strength of the dollar is sustained,

 Foreign investors are becoming a bit more gun shy about buying U.S. assets. Until the dollar settles down, we are going to be looking at volatility in the foreign exchange markets.

 Greenspan has to make sure the labor market has improved on a continuing basis before he can even think about hiking interest rates. For example, in 1992, he waited 17 months after the peak of the unemployment rate before hiking interest rates.

 Had this report showed another plunge in confidence, then I think it would have been a sure bet to expect another cut sometime in April,

 Historically, economic and political crises have been buying opportunities. Looking at 17 crises, ranging from President Wilson's nervous breakdown to the Gulf War, the stock market setback generally has been a short-term matter lasting no more than a few months.

 Hopefully, by August (when the Fed next meets), we should have a pretty good idea that the economy is expanding. A tax rebate and earlier cuts will be working. If the Fed cuts in August, we will worry more about them overdoing it.

 How so many people went so far astray from the mainstream and were wrong is probably unprecedented,

 I don't necessarily think the world's coming to an end. If we can score some major victories in Afghanistan and get other nations to take care of their own terrorists without involving U.S. troops, I think [confidence] could rebound just like it did after the Gulf War.

 I don't think businesses will hire more people in anticipation of higher demand. They want to see demand first. They feel they have the flexibility to increase production without hiring people.

 I don't think the net effect would be positive,

 I doubt that, just based on Friday's number, they'll pull the trigger. They'll want to see a sustained period of inflation before they do that.

 I think the aggressive expectations of the market are not going to be met.

 I think the Fed is pretty much done for this economic cycle, unless some major catastrophe develops, such as a messy war in the Middle East or a housing bubble bursting.

 I think we should know about candidates' desires and views, but I think it would be a mistake to assume that they will become reality.

 I'm not bullish on the holiday shopping season, but I'm not as bearish as some people have been.

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