158 ordspråk av Sung Won Sohn

Sung Won Sohn

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 The jobless rate is the best indicator of monetary policy, ... The Fed keeps cutting rates as long as the jobless rate goes up. This time around is really no exception.

 The loss of confidence in the financial reporting of Corporate America could hurt both consumer and business spending, ... The reduced availability and higher cost of credit, as well as the desire to strengthen the balance sheet, could cause firms to postpone capital spending plans and accelerate layoffs.

 The manufacturing slump is over, and production has begun. Production is important for creating jobs and boosting corporate profits, and this indicates that we will see better economic times ahead of us.

 The pause in economic growth and the drop in confidence will probably cause the Fed to tighten later rather than sooner. The earliest I can see them tightening is the end of June, and they could quite possibly wait until August.

 The point is that mounting layoffs and weak consumer confidence will keep consumer spending fairly weak.

 The problem is that the stock market tends to predict downturns or upturns too early. The common joke is that the stock market predicted 11 out of the last 9 recessions.

 The problem is that the stock market tends to predict downturns or upturns too early. The common joke is that the stock market predicted 11 out of the last nine recessions.

 The problem is the bottleneck. The industry simply is not able to process the applications fast enough. They (homeowners) are trying to refinance...But the increase in demand will simply increase the waiting list.

 The productivity gains have been stunning.

 The rate cut could be temporary, but in these times of crisis, I think it's not inappropriate,

 The stock market will remain depressed until layoffs stabilize and the resolution of the war on terrorism becomes clearer,

 The third cylinder of economic growth is beginning to fire, ... The other two cylinders are inventory swings and consumer spending. Outside of telecommunications and airplanes, business capital spending has begun to improve already, beginning in the first quarter.

 There is no reason for the Fed to deviate away from the cautious policy approach, ... The central bank won't raise the interest rate until August or later.

 There's a possibility they may decide to skip [hiking rates at] the February meeting. There is really no urgency because of the sluggish economy and the low inflation rate.

 There's so much liquidity in the economy right now that, left alone, it could become fuel for inflation, ... I can see the Fed taking preventive measures to ensure inflation doesn't become a problem.

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