158 ordspråk av Sung Won Sohn

Sung Won Sohn

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 This was a temporary pause, which has already been reversed in the month of September,

 To me, the key indicator is employment. We need to see at least three months of pretty hefty increases in employment before we'll be able to say we're out of woods,

 Two weeks ago traders thought there was no chance. If you had asked me Thursday, I would have said less than a 50 percent chance (of a December hike), at best I would have said a 50-50 chance. Now it looks pretty likely.

 Unless the labor market gains some steam and momentum, both real income and confidence of consumers would be hurt.

 Until and unless there are significant increases in jobs over a period, tighter monetary policy is out of the question.

 Washington will pump massive amounts of aid into the Katrina-affected areas boosting economic activities.

 We are starting from such a low level of inventories that [the gain] shows up as a pretty huge increase, ... But if you look at the level compared to ... expected sales, inventories are still much much too low.

 We have a situation where the baton of economic growth needs to pass from consumers to businesses, but that hasn't happened yet,

 We have probably hit the bottom in inventory liquidation, and hopefully we are actually now rebuilding inventory,

 We knew the data collected after the attack was going to be weak, but I was a little dumbfounded by the fact that the numbers even before the attack were awfully weak, ... Even before the attack, the economy seems to have relapsed into the doldrums.

 We know inventories are probably somewhere near the bottom, ... Businesses are producing [goods], trying to not only meet demand, but also to rebuild inventories.

 We notice it every day -- when we go to gasoline stations, we pay more,

 We're going to get an economic boost from not only production, but from inventory buildup during the current quarter, and probably for the balance of this year.

 We're looking for the wording of the Fed's statement to change in an encouraging direction. The economic numbers would argue for more optimism than caution at this point, ... My expectation is that this economy will be sizzling in the third quarter and hopefully in the fourth quarter, and that should lead to more jobs.

 We're still losing jobs, but the rate of loss is expected to slow, ... That, hopefully, will be viewed that the economy is starting to improve.

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